Penerapan Teknologi Pada Kelompok Batik Warna Alam Laras Tirto Pinilih dan Batik Tlodas Temanggung

Mardinawati, Ilham Sayekti, Winarni, Politeknik Negeri Semarang)


The implementation of science and technology program for the community has a goal to improve the quality and quantity of natural color batik products, both batik written and stamped, and increase salesĀ  through the replacement and addition of batik stamped tools, web-based marketing implementation. Another purpose of this activity is to improve the ability of partners in preparing financial statements. Problems on batik craftsmen of natural colors is on drawing using a hot wax and the pen-like instrument process, where both groups of batik still use oil stove that has unstable heat. The quality of the batik coloring has not been entirely perfect, because the tools used for the coloring process have not used a dyed tub that has a standard size. Tlodas batik group does not yet have batik stamped equipment that is used to add new product variety, not yet owned by internet based marketing media. Both groups have not yet prepared financial statements, particularly income statement and balance sheet (wealth position) in accordance with accounting standards. The method used is business assistance through the practice of preparing financial reports, web-based marketing practices, and the practice of using production tools provided by the team. Evaluation is carried out by the implementing team during the activity and at the time of the mentoring activities. Results of the program are both partners able to improve the quality of batik products by drawing using an electric stove. Tlodas Batik Group able to develop a variety of batik stamped. Both groups perform the coloring process using a dyed tub that has a standard size. Both groups can prepare financial reports, as well as have new marketing models through web-based marketing..

Keyword : batik, color, nature, finance, marketing.


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ISSN 2089-9602
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